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User: liahughes



Write a paper for me

The fate of paper as a medium these days is rather uncertain. Online versions of magazines are rapidly outgrowing their paper versions, e-books are cheaper and more practical than traditional ones, and only important documents are kept on write a paper for me. Nevertheless, there are people suggesting new approaches to using this well-deserved material. As an option, paper can be used to back up any digital data. Of course, any document can be printed without the help of additional software, but the efficiency of using paper will be minimal. In the case of dense text on a sheet of A4 will fit images and binary data, and it will be difficult to reproduce them at all.

The algorithm, allows up to 3 megabytes of data to fit on a standard page. The program converts the file - text or binary - into a scaled bitmap-image which can be printed on a laser printer with 600 dpi resolution. Using a scanner with the same resolution and that the paper media can be converted back into digital format.

The author makes various arguments in favor of backups: the paper is immediately visible if it is intact as a medium, it can be mailed to places where there is no Internet, and the resulting code can be made human-readable with a simple microscope. The weight of these arguments is explained simply by nostalgia for punch cards, which for many years were the most common medium for program code.

Does the term paper matter when applying for a job?

What does a student have when he or she graduates from university? The knowledge and skills acquired during the period of study, which will be useful in the future work. Also, of course, the term paper, which demonstrates that the person has received these skills and knowledge.

When looking for a job, job seekers are faced with requirements of education. Will your diploma suit the employer? How prestigious will your university degree be when interviewing an employer?

Research on term paper

So what does the research show about degrees and employers. Universities are ranked each year. The study looked at which universities' degrees are the most reputable when it comes to getting a job.

The survey among employers, who judged the prestige of certain universities. On the basis of these surveys and was made conditional rating of educational institutions and - respectively diplomas.

The survey determined the overall rating, which has already been mentioned, as well as the rating concerning specific specialties. Which graduates were most in demand - economists, specialists in technical fields, or specialists in the humanities.

The conclusion is as follows: a buy term paper from a prestigious university is a good bonus. But it is not a decisive factor when applying for a job. Much more important is the behavior of the job seeker at the interview. It is also very important how well the future employee is prepared for his job.

Everyone agrees that university provides systematic knowledge. Exactly how recent graduates will put it into practice is another matter. The prestige of universities always speaks in favor of the applicant. But for employers it is more important how effectively the acquired skills and knowledge are applied in the work process. There are many cases when a person without a degree does a great job. There are just as many cases of the opposite, when a term paper is available and the employee is bad.

The survey also revealed a curious trend. The level of basic specialized knowledge among students is declining. Theory prevails and practical skills are lacking. But graduates have a tangible increase in knowledge relating to information technology.

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